Downloads (Windows)

Available Downloads for Windows

The below links provide download options for Windows. There is a .exe binary package for easy install. This package will install the prepackaged SQLite database version of BlueSeer.

NOTE: Windows 10 has made it exceedingly more difficult to install open source software. If you encounter 'warnings', please see the 'how to navigate the windows warnings' link below

how to navigate the windows warnings

There is also a MySQL version. This version should be used if you intend to have multiple users. This installation is slightly more difficult as it requires a MySQL instance previously installed.

BlueSeer for Windows w/SQLite (Easy Install)

Requirements: As of version 5, you do NOT need java pre-installed. This version has java openJDK 17 internally installed.
To install the binary .exe version (SQLite) :

1. Download the .exe binary install from the Downloads section at
2. Double Click the downloaded .exe file (you may need administrator rights)
NOTE: You may encounter an invalid signing certificate dialogue. This is typical with most Windows platforms. If so, there is usually a link provided within the dialogue box to override the warning and install anyway. Click the 'how to navigate the windows warnings' link above for instructions.
3. Choose your specific language and accept the remaining default options... and click finish to complete.
4. When finished, you should have a shortcut on your desktop and/or Start Menu to launch the BlueSeer application.
5. The login and password are 'admin' and 'admin' respectively. Enjoy :)

BlueSeer for Windows w/MySQL

As of version 5, you do NOT need java pre-installed. This version has java openJDK 17 internally installed.
Requirements: You must have MySQL version 5.5 or later pre-installed. See for installation and instructions of MySQL. You will need the MySQL admin password and IP of server (or localhost)
Note: newer versions of MySQL set security variables by default to prevent loading data from local directories. You may have to adjust the Global variable 'local_infile' in your MySQL instance.
Something like:
show global variables like 'local_infile';
set global local_infile = 'ON';

As a final should try running 'mysql' at the command prompt....if you get 'not found'...then you will need to make sure your Environment Variables are set so that the mysql executable is in the PATH.

To install the MySQL version :

1. Download the .zip package (mysql version of blueseer) from the windows downloads section in
2. Create a 'blueseer' directory (location is arbitrary) example: c:\blueseer
3. copy the zip file to the blueseer directory
4. Unzip the contents of the zip file within the blueseer directory
5. within the blueseer directory...double click and execute the mysql_install.bat script (or open the command prompt, cd to the blueseer directory and run mysql_install.bat from there (this is advisable to see any errors)
6. You will need to provide three pieces of input...the IP of the mysql server (or just 'localhost') and the mysql admin password...along with your two character language option.
7. Once the script is complete, you can double click on the login.bat file in the blueseer directory. The application should start.
NOTE: The login and password are 'admin' and 'admin' respectively. Enjoy :)

You can send feedback to for any comments, questions, or concerns.