Quick Setup

The below instructions provide setup information for simple retail and service order business scenarios. These instructions can be used to perform a quick setup of your installation to cover the most basic needs such as order entry and invoicing. For more advanced setups such as traditional manufacturing environments, see the detailed documentation.

Basic Retail Scenario
Perform the following steps in sequence:
1. Site Maintenance. Go to Site Maintenance Browse by entering 'siteb' in the navigational text-box on the main menu-bar. Click on the flag for record with site code 1000. This will bring up the site maintenance window. Change the Site Desc, addressing info, and logo file (if you have one) to match your companies info. Leave the remaining fields as-is. Then click update. Note: the logo file must be in the blueseer/images directory like bs.png is.
2. Item Maintenance. Go to Item Maintenance by entering 'item' in the navigational text-box on the main menu-bar. Click new and you will be assigned an item number. The primary fields to complete depend on the nature of your business. For a detailed description see the Item Master chapter below. However, if you are simply buying and selling the same item in a retail scenario, update the following fields with the appropriate values: Description, Sell Price, Purch Price, and choose Class Code 'A' (again...if you are retail based). All other fields can remain the same. Then click Add to commit the item to the database.
3. Customer Maintenance. Go to Customer Maintenance by entering 'cusm' in the navigational text-box on the main menu-bar. Click new and you will be assigned a customer number. Enter the Name and address information of your customer. You can leave the remaining fields as assigned by default. Then click Add to commit the customer to the database.
That's it....you're done with the basic setup. You can further proceed to create your first order/invoice by entering 'ordm' in the navigational text-box on the main menu-bar. Click new, choose your customer in the selection box, enter an optional PO Number and then go to the Lines Tab (do not click add...as you do not have any items assigned). In the Lines Tab, choose your Item Number, enter a quantity, and click 'Add Item'. Then return to the Main Tab and click Add to commit your order. You can then invoice this order by clicking on the invoice button in the same menu. This will commit the invoice and close the order. You can choose to print an invoice or packing slip from the appropriate print buttons in the same menu. You can review your aging accounts receivable (invoice due dates versus payments ) and your financial accounts with navcodes such as arav and acba respectively. See the documentation for more information. Enjoy! :)

Basic Service Order Scenario
Perform the following steps in sequence:
1. Site Maintenance. Go to Site Maintenance Browse by entering 'siteb' in the navigational text-box on the main menu-bar. Click on the flag for record with site code 1000. This will bring up the site maintenance window. Change the Site Desc, addressing info, and logo file (if you have one) to match your companies info. Leave the remaining fields as-is. Then click update. Note: the logo file must be in the blueseer/images directory like bs.png is.
2. Customer Maintenance. Go to Customer Maintenance by entering 'cusm' in the navigational text-box on the main menu-bar. Click new and you will be assigned a customer number. Enter the Name and address information of your customer. You can leave the remaining fields as assigned by default. Then click Add to commit the customer to the database.

If you simply bill/invoice service work (non-inventory items), then you are done. You can now create your service orders and invoice. If you have inventory items, review step 2 in retail scenario section. You can further proceed to create your first order/invoice by entering 'srvm' in the navigational text-box on the main menu-bar. Click new, choose your customer in the selection box, enter an optional PO Number and optional remarks, choose 'order' in the Type drop down selection box and enter your Service Item in the text-box. You can then enter a price and an optional quantity (typically a value of 1 will suffice) and then click 'Add Item'. Once the service item has been entered click 'Add' to commit the service order. You can then invoice this order by clicking on the invoice button in the same menu. This will commit the invoice and close the order. To print the invoice, enter 'invb' in the navigational text-box and click the flag beside the appropriate invoice number. You can then click the print invoice button. Also, you can review your aging accounts receivable (invoice due dates versus payments ) and your financial accounts with navcodes such as arav and acba respectively. See the documentation for more information. Enjoy! :)